Kelly Ellis

Jul 3, 2019

100 HydraGEN Boxes Purchased through KarbonKleen

The first purchase order of 100 dynaCERT Units has been announced between KarbonKleen and The Alliance. These units are the first to be shipped of a larger 1 Million Unit MOU between The Alliance (A Mexican based holding company representing the interests of the Mexican Population) and KarbonKleen the world's only PSP for dynaCERT.

Mr. Alberto M. Valdespino, Principal of Alliance and Director of International Business, is very excited about this opportunity and stated, “dynaCERT’s technology is very important to the Alliance because it will foster better health and the use of environmentally friendly technology for union members and for the population of Mexico as a whole. The use of HydraGEN Technology will allow the unions in Mexico to benefit from reduced fuel consumption and fuel costs, while at the same time creating immediate and significant reductions in diesel gas pollution for generations to come. At the same time the reduction of diesel pollution will be leading the creation of carbon credits under dynaCERT’s proposed programme.”